Breast Reduction

Mammaplasty, commonly referred to as breast reduction is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts called macromastia. Disproportionately large breasts can cause both physical and emotional distress for women. The resulting pain can make it challenging for some women to perform common physical activities. Although breast reduction is often performed to address medical issues, patients who do not have the symptoms of macromastia but are unhappy with the size of their breasts can still pursue breast reduction as an aesthetic procedure. Patients choosing to undergo breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons may cite any number of factors, including social stigmas and wardrobe concerns.

For a breast reduction surgery, there is no cup size threshold which makes it right for anybody who can benefit from the procedure. Also, it's not only for women who have had large breasts since puberty. Bodies change over time, and the need for a reduction can increase as well.

Even though it may seem like an intimidating procedure, breast reduction is in fact, not that time-consuming or intense. The procedure typically takes approximately 1-2 hours and is done under general anaesthesia.

Mammaplasty procedures tend to have some of the highest satisfaction rates as most patients state that they feel relieved and more self-conscious about their improved posture. Considering a weight is literally lifted off of their shoulders, the physical discomfort from heavy breasts is gone immediately after surgery.

There are different techniques used in breast reduction. The technique that will be used on the patient is decided by both the doctor and the patient herself. This mostly depends on the patient’s body type and shape as well as their desired result.

Designed for women who require a medium amount of surgical correction, the “lollipop breast lift” involves a surgical incision in a ring around the areola, as well as a straight incision running from the bottom of the areola to the middle of the breast crease.

The “anchor incision” is made around the perimeter of the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease. This incision is the oldest technique and is often used for a breast lift in conjunction with a breast reduction.

After making the incision, the surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat and skin to reduce the size of each breast, then reshapes the breast and repositions the nipple and areola.

Our doctors in Turkey will be helping and guiding you throughout this process with every detail explained carefully. For further information or if you would like to find out what method of procedure is best suited for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many sizes can i go down with Breast Reduction?

It actually depends on many factors, such as current breast volume, incision type and patient's goal. For this reason, the exact size becomes clear at physical consultation after measurements. However typically, most women drop one or two cup sizes with breast reduction procedure.

2. How long do you have to stay at hospital after Breast Reduction?

After breast reduction surgery, you'll need to stay 1 night at hospital. The next day after surgery you'll be discharged.

3. How soon can I go back to work after Breast Reduction surgery?

You will need at least a week away from work. During this time, you need to avoid strenuous activities. Full recovery takes around 2- 6 weeks.

4. How long does Breast Reduction surgery take?

Breast reduction surgery usually takes 2-3 hours to complete. However it can last a little shorter or longer depending on the case.

5. Will my breasts also uplifted with Breast Reduction surgery?

In Breast Reduction surgery, the breasts are slightly lifted as well since the whole breast tissue gets smaller.

How Does Process Work?

  • First Day: For your treatment, once you get off the plane, our transfer will be ready to take you to your hotel. According to your arrival time, your first day will be a resting day
  • Second Day: On your second day, it's going to be check-ups, tests and physical consultation with our plastic surgeon. During physical consultation, doctor will make some measurements to decide the best possible size that we can achieve. Then the procedure is performed.
  • Third Day: After procedure, you'll be staying 1 night at hospital and then you are discharged after post-op check-ups. 
  • Fourth Day: On 4th day, doctor will remove the drainages. Afternoon, you can do some sightseeing around the hotel.
  • Fifth Day: After final check-ups, you'll be ready to fly back home

Pre-Op Instructions

  • For two weeks prior to surgery, do not take certain medications. If you need medication for a headache or other pain, please ask your doctor first. We will provide you with a list of medications you should not take during this period.
  • Make sure you discuss with your doctor any herbal or alternative medicine products that you take and whether or not these are safe to take prior to and immediately following surgery.
  • Notify us as soon as possible if you develop an illness, such as a cold, prior to surgery.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking is harmful to wound healing and increases the chance of complications. If you do smoke, you should inform your doctor and stop smoking for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your surgery.
  • You should not drink alcohol the evening prior to your surgery, because this may dehydrate your body.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before surgery.
  • Take a bath or shower the evening prior to surgery or the morning of surgery. Go to bed early and get plenty of sleep the night before surgery.
  • On the day of your procedure, do not wear any skin care products, makeup, deodorant, perfume, nail polish or powder.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take any of your regular medications on the morning of surgery. Generally, it is best to continue any blood pressure or blood sugar medications. These may safely be taken with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Post-Op Instructions

  • Mild swelling, bruising, mid-chest pain, unevenness, numbness and decreased sensation are normal at the first few days/weeks. You may experience sensations like tingling. Your body will recover as the time passes.
  • For the first 10 days after the surgery, do not take certain medications. Please contact us for further information.
  • Only use your prescribed medications by your doctor and contact us if you need to ask anything else. Take your antibiotics until they are finished.
  • Walking, climbing stairs, sitting and standing are helpful to prevent a blood clot forming in your body. However, exercises such as heavy lifting, running, tennis, contact sports, dancing etc. are forbidden for 3 weeks. You may massage your breasts as explained by your doctor.
  • The anaesthesia may make you feel nauseated in the first couple of days. It is wise to drink liquids and eat mild foods during this time.
  • Scars may become reddened before they fade. This is a normal process, so be patient. However, it is not recommended for you to tan your scars in the first 9 months following the surgery, as they are more sensitive and may tan darker (and possibly permanently) than the surrounding skin.
  • You can not sleep on your stomach or sides for 6 weeks. Sleeping on your back is crucial for your breasts’ healing.
  • It is recommended for you to take showers, not have baths. You can start taking showers after the first 2-5 days, but make sure to dry your wounds very well.
  • You shouldn’t wear an underwire or a push-up bra for 6 weeks. Keep wearing your medical bra.
  • You may expect some drainage on your strips covering your incisions. Your discomfort will start to fade gradually after 3-5 days.
  • Do not drive for the first 1-2 weeks (due to seatbelt irritation over your chest).
  • Wear comfortable clothing that can be opened from the front, avoid wearing clothing you need to pull over your head.
  • Do not smoke for 2 weeks or be near to someone who’s smoking.
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