Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation, commonly referred to as breast enlargement or boob job, is performed to increase the fullness and projection of breasts, improve the balance of breasts and enhance self-image as well as confidence. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry.

Studies have shown that silicone implants and saline implants are both safe. Also, having breast implants does not necessarily take away the patient’s ability to breastfeed but it depends on many factors regarding the patient’s case.

The fact that breast implants can help boost self-esteem, body image, and sexual satisfaction is proven by the statements of the patients who opted for the procedure. Additionally, a vast amount of patients state that they are happier with their bodies as a whole, not just the area on which they had the surgery done.

The implants may be placed above or below the muscle tissue in the patient’s breasts. The size of the patient’s implants, body type, health condition will all be a factor while deciding the positioning. There are four methods to place the breast implants.

The most common method called Infra-Mammary Incision is used to place the implants through an incision on the underside of the breast in the natural skin fold.

Trans-Axillary Incision method is used to place implants through an incision around the armpit. The surgeon may perform this surgery using an endoscope (a tool with a camera and surgical instruments at the end).

Peri-Areolar Incision method is used to place implants through an incision around the edge of the areola (the darkened area around the nipple).

Trans-Umbilical Incision method is used to place implants through an incision near your belly button. An endoscope is used to move the implant up to the breast area.

After making an incision, the surgeon separates the patient’s breast tissue from the muscles and connective tissue of their chest. This creates a pocket either behind or in front of the outermost muscle of the chest wall called pectoral muscle.

The surgeon inserts the implant into this pocket and centre it behind the patient’s nipple. Our doctors will be helping and guiding you throughout this process with every detail explained carefully. For further information or if you would like to find out what method of procedure is suits you the best, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With Medlife Group, you will have a very high quality breast implants procedure in Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the Breast Augmentation work?

Breast Augmentation is also knows as Breast Implant or Mammoplasty surgery which increases breast size. We use two basic types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline-filled implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water (saline). Silicone implants are silicone shells filled with silicone.

2. Do you lose feeling in your nipples after Breast Implants?

Feeling loose might be perfectly normal after the surgery but there is no need for concern. It's normal side effect of surgery and it is usually temporary.

3. How long do Breast Implants last?

Breast implants do not last forever.In many cases, breast implants can remain in good shape for 10 years or even more. Every patient is different, and the life of your implants will depend on your body and how you take care of your implants.

4. Is breastfeed possible with Breast Implants?

It is possible for you to breastfeed with implants but it depends on the size and placement of the implants and the type of surgery you've had. If the incisions are under the fold of the breast or through your armpit, you should not have any problems breastfeeding.

5. What is the recovery time after Breast Implant surgery?

You can feel pain the first several days after your breast implant procedure.From five to seven days, your pain and discomfort should decrease.After one to two weeks, you should be able to return to light daily activities, including desk work.

How Does Process Work?

  • First Day: On your arrival date you will be picked up from the airport and taken to your hotel. It will be already arranged so you will not need to do anything extra other than giving your name to the desk.In the evening you will be informed about your appointment time for the next day.
  • Second DayThe next morning you will be going to the hospital for your blood tests and your face to face consultation with the surgeon. You will be prepared for the surgery and you will be staying 1 night at the hospital, next day you'll be discharged.
  • Third Day: At the hotel, our nurse will visit you and be responsible of your needs.
  • Fourth Day: On the fourth day, your drainage will be removed and our doctor will make the final check-ups to be sure everything is in order before your departure.
  • Fifth Day: Finally, you are ready to fly back home!

Pre-Op Instructions

  • For two weeks prior to surgery, do not take certain medications. If you need medication for a headache or other pain, please ask your doctor first. We will provide you with a list of medications you should not take during this period.
  • Make sure you discuss with your doctor any herbal or alternative medicine products that you take and whether or not these are safe to take prior to and immediately following surgery
  • Notify us as soon as possible if you develop an illness, such as a cold, prior to surgery.
  • Do not Smoke. Smoking is harmful to wound healing and increases the chance of complications. If you do smoke, you should inform your doctor and stop smoking for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your surgery.
  • You should not drink alcohol the evening prior to your surgery, because this may dehydrate your body.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before surgery.
  • Take a bath or shower the evening prior to surgery or the morning of surgery.
  • Go to bed early and get plenty of sleep the night before surgery.
  • On the day of your procedure, do not wear any skin care products, makeup, deodorant, perfume, nail polish or powder.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take any of your regular medications on the morning of surgery. Generally it is best to continue any blood pressure or blood sugar medications. These may safely be taken with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Post-Op Instructions

  • Expect to have less energy than usual. It’s a serious process and the overall effects can take more of a toll on your body than you might expect. You need to have patience and rest while your body heals.
  • For the first 10 days after the surgery, do not take certain medications. Please contact us for further information.
  • Only use your prescribed medications by your doctor and contact us if you need to ask anything else. Take your antibiotics until they are finished.
  • Walking, climbing stairs, sitting and standing are helpful to prevent a blood clot forming in your body. However, exercises such as heavy lifting, running, tennis, contact sports, dancing etc. are forbidden for 3 weeks. You may massage your breasts as explained by your doctor.
  • The anaesthesia may make you feel nauseated in the first couple of days. It is wise to drink liquids and eat mild foods during this time.
  • Scars may become reddened before they fade. This is a normal process, so be patient. However, it is not recommended for you to tan your scars in the first 9 months following the surgery, as they are more sensitive and may tan darker (and possibly permanently) than the surrounding skin.
  • You can not sleep on your stomach or sides for 6 weeks. Sleeping on your back is crucial for your breasts’ healing.
  • It is recommended for you to take showers, not have baths. You can start taking showers after the first 2-5 days, but make sure to dry your wounds very well.
  • You shouldn’t wear an underwire or a push-up bra for 6 weeks. Keep wearing your medical bra. You may expect some drainage on your strips covering your incisions. Your discomfort will start to fade gradually after 3-5 days.
  • Always remember that your body went through a complex procedure and your breasts need some time to get used to their new shape/size. Be gentle with them and give yourself enough time to feel fully comfortable.
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