Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is considered the ‘gold standard’ weight loss surgery that reduces your stomach to the size of a walnut. Gastric bypass, also known as Roux-en-Y (roo-en-wy), is a type of weight-loss surgery that involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting the newly created pouch directly to the small intestine. Gastric bypass is one of the most common types of bariatric surgery in the world. Gastric bypass is done when diet and exercise haven't worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight.

There are two components to the procedure. First, a small stomach pouch, approximately one ounce or 30 millilitres in volume, is created by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach. Next, the first portion of the small intestine is divided, and the bottom end of the divided small intestine is brought up and connected to the newly created small stomach pouch. The procedure is completed by connecting the top portion of the divided small intestine to the small intestine further down so that the stomach acids and digestive enzymes from the bypassed stomach and first portion of small intestine will eventually mix with the food. Most gastric bypass surgeries are laparoscopic, which means the surgeon makes small cuts. That makes for shorter recovery time. If the surgery must be "open," meaning the surgeon has to make a larger cut, healing takes longer.

The gastric bypass works by several mechanisms. First, similar to most bariatric procedures, the newly created stomach pouch is considerably smaller and facilitates significantly smaller meals, which translates into less calories consumed. Additionally, because there is less digestion of food by the smaller stomach pouch, and there is a segment of small intestine that would normally absorb calories as well as nutrients that no longer has food going through it, there is probably to some degree less absorption of calories and nutrients.

Most importantly, the rerouting of the food stream produces changes in gut hormones that promote satiety, suppress hunger, and reverse one of the primary mechanisms by which obesity induces type 2 diabetes. Almost all people who get weight loss surgery -- 95% -- say their quality of life improves too. There, we are very glad here at Medlife Group to be of help to our patients who have their treatments with us in Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose weight by both restricting the amount of food a person takes and reducing the amount of calories.

2. Which benefits can you gain after bariatric Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgery helps several obesity patients to lose weight permanently, as the percentage of lost weight can reach about 60% of extra body weight within two years, in addition to this it helps patients improve the quality of their lives and their ability to do many activities.

3. Which requirements are essential for gastric sleeve surgery?

The obesity patient needs to have some criteria to get gastric bypass done, and these depends on body mass index, and the state of health of the patient health conditions. That's why we need your medical history form.

4. How long does gastric bypass surgery take?

The gastric bypass surgery usually takes between two and three hours.

5. Can you give a birth after gastric bypass surgery?

It's advisable to postpone pregnancy until the weight stabilizes and typically at least 12 to 18 months after surgery.

How Does Process Work?

  • First Day: On your arrival date you will be picked up from the airport and taken to your hotel. It will be already arranged so you will not need to do anything extra other than giving your name to the desk. In the evening you will be informed about your appointment time for the next day.
  • Second Day: The next morning you will be going to the hospital for your blood tests and your face to face consultation with the surgeon. You will be prepared for the surgery and you will be staying 3 nights at the hospital, then you'll be discharged.
  • Third Day: At the hospital, our nurse will visit you and be responsible of your needs.
  • Fourth Day: At the hospital, our nurse will visit you and be responsible of your needs.
  • Fifth Day: After check-ups, you can go to your hotel and have a rest. Our nurse will visit you at hotel as well.
  • Sixth Day: You will be picked up from your hotel to the hospital and your final check-ups will be done.
  • Seventh Day: Finally you are ready to fly back home!

Pre-Op Instructions

  • Do not smoke You must stop smoking and cannot start smoking after surgery. Smoking slows your healing process.
  • The pre-op diet is your food-consumption plan for the period leading up to your gastric bypass procedure. Your diet is critical to the surgery’s success for three reasons: It makes the procedure safer and easier. The pre-op diet helps reduce fatty deposits around the liver, which improves surgical access to the stomach. It lowers the risk of complications. Obesity increases the risk of medical complications during and after surgery; weight loss can counteract that risk. It starts you on the habits you’ll need to make a lifelong commitment to weight control. You’ll gain the confidence that comes with settings goals and achieving them.
  • Two or three days before surgery you’ll need to switch to an all-liquid diet. Restrict your food intake to water, broth, gelatines, and low-calorie sports drinks (no sodas). You’ll need to cut out consumption entirely starting at midnight on the day of your surgery – even water. Failure to follow these guidelines may jeopardize your eligibility for the gastric bypass procedure.
  • Certain medications must also be discontinued prior to surgery. 
  • Continue your exercise program. This will help you and your recovery after surgery.

Post-Op Instructions

  • When you return to your hospital room after surgery, you will be closely monitored by your nurses. Along with periodic monitoring of your vital signs — blood pressure, pulse, temperature and respiration — we encourage and help you to perform deep breathing, coughing, leg movement exercises and to get out of bed. These activities can help prevent complications.
  • To varying degrees, it is normal to experience fatigue, nausea and vomiting, sleeplessness, surgical pain, weakness, light-headedness, loss of appetite, gas pain, flatulence, loose stools and emotional ups and downs in the early days and weeks after surgery.
  • Activities such as walking and even changing positions in bed help promote circulation. Good blood flow discourages the formation of blood clots and enhances healing. Standing up, walking and doing your post-operative exercises may help speed up your recovery and minimize complications.
  • Prior to your discharge, you will be given specific dietary and activity instructions, along with information about certain precautions and when to notify your surgeon.
  • Most people stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days, and get back to normal activities in 3 to 5 weeks. If you have laparoscopic surgery, you should be able to do most of your regular activities in 2 to 4 weeks. It may take up to 12 weeks if you have open surgery.
  • Make sure your home is set up for your recovery, to prevent falls and make sure you are safe around the house.
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